11 May 2016

Jot Magazine - May mood board

For  my first challenge in aaaages, I decided to give the Jot mood board challenge a go -I'm so out of practice! I'm half glad the cloud paper is in an album now, but half sad that I have no more left (even though I got multiples, it is eight years old).


  1. looks great Anna (so cool that we share the same name!) - thanks for joining in with the challenge at Jot this month :-)

    1. It is kinda fun - I don't know many Annas. It was a good challenge! Fun to jump back in again.

  2. LOVELY!! Thanks for joining in with us over at Jot. This looks great Anna! ~Kim Archer

  3. Oh I remember that paper! It is delightful... and so is your layout. Thanks for playing along with us at Jot :-)
