11 May 2016

Jot Magazine - May mood board

For  my first challenge in aaaages, I decided to give the Jot mood board challenge a go -I'm so out of practice! I'm half glad the cloud paper is in an album now, but half sad that I have no more left (even though I got multiples, it is eight years old).

9 May 2016

Travel pages

Several years ago, I kept track of all the scrapbooking pages and cards I made, and all of the books I read. It was fascinating to look back at what I'd made and read at the end of the year, and I'd like to get back into keeping track. I'm not doing very well this year. I do know that I've done 20 pages for our two-years-ago holiday, and while I'm not going to bother putting them all up, these are a few of them.