17 Mar 2016

At the beginning.

I've been thinking for a while about starting a new blog, to tie in with The Maker's Year which Kate of A Playful Day is hosting this year. At two and a half months into the challenge, it's probably time to start documenting some of the making I've been doing. I'm not planning on blogging seriously - it's mostly for my own record of non-Ravelry making I've been doing. I'm using the idea as a prompt to start thinking differently - particularly seeing creativity in areas of my life that don't seem creative, especially in cooking for my family. The very first thing I made with the Maker's Year in mind was a batch of tomato sauce/ketchup, as Kate has a seasonal focus, and my homegrown tomatoes were just finishing up.

I've also been mindful of taking more photos - although I enjoy photography, it's been a couple of years since I've shown any real dedication to it. I'm still not taking as many photos as I'd like, but I'm starting to see more photo opportunities in my everyday life. Most of my making has been knitting this year (just like it has been for the last few years), but I'm also making my way back into the scrapbooking world (with our 2014 holiday photos!) and it's been nice to realise how much I've actually missed it.